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See Legal Notices for important information on the climate-related demo slot pragmatic content on this website.

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TC Energy maintains this website as a service to its customers and the internet community.  TC Energy may revise and update the terms and conditions contained in the Legal Notice at any time and without notice.  TC Energy will use reasonable efforts to include accurate, relevant and up to date information on this website. However, TC Energy does not warrant or make any representations or claims of any kind, either express or implied, as to the validity, correctness, currency or otherwise of the information (including any software, text or graphics) provided at this site, or at any links to external sites, including warranties of merchantability, non-infringement of intellectual property rights, third party rights, title, latent defects, uninterrupted service, fitness for any particular purpose or freedom from computer viruses.
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Except as otherwise noted, the trademarks, service marks, logos, icons, designs, names and trade names displayed on this website are the trademarks and logos of TC Energy and may not be used in any way or for any purpose without the written consent of TC Energy.  Written consent is also required to use any trademarks of third parties displayed on this site.  For clarity, no license to use any TC Energy or third party trademarks or other names is granted on this website.

Any unauthorized use of the material on this website including re-publication, unauthorized downloading, retransmission, copying, modification, or other exploitation of this website or the information on this website may violate copyright, trademark and other intellectual property laws and may result in legal action.  In addition, demo slot pragmatic you may not hyperlink or frame this website without the prior written consent of TC Energy.  TC Energy and its affiliated companies disclaim any and all liability which may result from any unauthorized reproduction or use of the information on this website.

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TC Energy Logo and TC ENERGY are trademarks of TransCanada PipeLines Limited. Use of the TC Energy Logo and/or TC ENERGY trademark is not authorized unless permission has been granted explicitly by TransCanada PipeLines Limited and the trademark(s) is/are used under license in compliance with TransCanada PipeLines Limited’s marketing guidelines. All the goodwill derived from the use of the trademark(s) shall inure solely to the benefit of TransCanada PipeLines Limited and TransCanada PipeLines Limited reserves the right to revoke authorization at any time. COLUMBIA and COLUMBIA GAS are trademarks used under license by TransCanada PipeLines Limited. Please contact web_communications@tcenergy.com if you would like authorization to use any of our trademarks.

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Due to technical difficulties, inherent in the Internet, Internet software or transmission problems could produce inaccurate or incomplete copies of material contained on this website when displayed or downloaded onto your computer.  Computer viruses or other destructive programs may also be inadvertently downloaded from the website.  TC Energy will not be liable for Internet software, computer viruses or destructive programs and recommends that you install appropriate anti-virus or other protective software.

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All monetary amounts on this website are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted.