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Energy solutions for the decarbonization journey

Whether it's renewable energy, renewable natural gas, slot pragmatic|Freeor carbon capture and sequestration, we utilize our continental presence to offer our customers flexible, cost-effective solutions to manage their energy and decarbonization needs, helping them respond to the slot pragmatic|Free. We aim to leverage the size and scale of our slot pragmatic|Free and trading platform to be the premier provider of low carbon energy for the slot pragmatic|Free industrial, oil, natural gas and utility sectors..

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Replace aging thermal systems with efficient steam co-generation.

Recent customer solutions

slot pragmatic olution: Steam cogeneration to monetize excess steam and decarbonize existing electric needs.

Petroleum refining solution: Replace package boilers with combined heat and power for more economic source of energy while also decarbonizing.


Switch to renewable power for existing and future electric systems.

Recent customer solutions

Multinational food producer solution: Long-term wind PPA to decarbonize operations.


Offset hydrocarbon feedstocks with renewable natural gas (RNG) or replace them with hydrogen.

Recent customer solutions

Integrated chemical solution: Supporting hydrogen blending in boilers to lower carbon intensity. 

Gas utility solution: Long term offtake of low CI RNG derived from organic feedstock.

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Capture and sequester CO2 when hydrocarbon feedstocks can’t be avoided.

Recent customer solutions

Oil & gas producers solution: Carbon transportation and sequestration system to address large industrial sector emissions.

Power generation solution: Sequestration system to support lower carbon intensive natural gas generation.

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Our trading platform

The TC Energy trading platform combined with our investment-grade credit rating allows us to design risk-management solutions that fit both our internal needs as well as those of our customers.

Our vision is to be the premier energy infrastructure company in North America.

TC Energy Marketing helps enable this vision by providing value-adding solutions to our customers through leveraging expertise in commodity trading, risk management and physical market operations. We are active in various markets including natural gas, liquids, power and emissions in the U.S. and Canada.

TC Energy utilizes our continental presence to offer our customers flexible, cost-effective solutions to manage their energy and risk management needs. Via TC Energy Marketing, a team of traders (power, crude oil, natural gas, and emissions) and analysts oversee physical and financial portfolio risk management that allow companies to meet low-carbon and renewable energy goals while reducing their energy costs.

TC Energy is active in industry forums, including membership in North American Energy Markets Association.

Our Marketing Teams

Steeped in expansive experience in the power and energy arenas, TC Energy Marketing teams offer:

  • Energy procurement, hedging and optimization
  • Carbon and environmental attribute procurement and hedging
  • Management of commodity exposures in different markets and across various terms
  • Management of locational risks embedded from our customer and internal business
  • Address environmental exposures needed to meet our customer and internal demand

Energy solutions

With our expertise in natural gas and liquids pipelines and storage and power generation, our trading capability has expanded to include energy procurement and power and emissions trading. Backed by TC Energy’s investment-grade credit rating and energy and power footprint, we can design customized financial and physical products to manage risk and create value.

Our trading history

Companies such as TC Energy have long used the ability to trade commodities and power to manage risk. Now TC Energy is utilizing slot pragmatic its trading experience to build out a power and emissions platform to meet its strategic needs as well as those of its customers. Combined with crude oil and natural gas and gas liquids, TC Energy Marketing offers a diverse menu of options aimed at helping customers gain access to new products. It’s a logical next step in amplifying that expertise via a marketing, origination and trading capability.

  Alberta Power Marketing

As an energy infrastructure company, we recognize our role in the larger energy system, including our own emission of greenhouse gases.

We are leaders in the development of a balanced and sustainable energy future and we’re doing our part to manage our GHG emissions through the programs and initiatives that meet, and often exceed, regulatory requirements.

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  U.S. Natural Gas Marketing

As an energy infrastructure company, we recognize our role in the larger energy system, including our own emission of greenhouse gases.

We are leaders in embracing our energy transition and we’re doing our part to manage our GHG emissions through the programs and initiatives that meet, and often exceed, regulatory requirements.

  U.S. Power Marketing

Active beginning in 2021, TC Energy Marketing kicked off its U.S. power marketing services. Focusing on optimizing risk, enhancing value and driving innovative solutions for customers.  The U.S. power team participates within the following key US Power Markets: PJM, ERCOT, MISO, CAISO and SPP.

Our current Energy Solutions

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Alberta Carbon Grid

The Alberta Carbon Grid (ACG) is a carbon transportation system reaching the province’s largest sources of industrial emissions. Designed to be an open-access system, the ACG will serve as the backbone of Alberta’s emerging carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS) industry, connecting the Fort McMurray region, the Alberta Industrial Heartland, and the Drayton Valley region to key sequestration locations and delivery points across the province, and serving multiple industries. When fully constructed, the system will be capable of transporting more than 20 million tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) annually.

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Alberta Power Marketing

In total, TC Energy manages, operates and markets close to 450 megawatts demo slot pragmatic (MW) of electricity in the Alberta. TC Energy is directly involved in all facets of the Alberta power market with expertise in power marketing and trading, generation development, retail services (billing and load settlement) and regulatory issues.

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Hydrogen — Hyzon Agreement

TC Energy and Hyzon have executed an agreement to explore joint co-developing hydrogen hubs in the U.S. and Canada.

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Hydrogen — Nikola Agreement

TC Energy and Nikola have executed a joint development to explore co-developing large-scale clean hydrogen hubs in the U.S. and Canada.

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Hydrogen Solutions

When it comes to hydrogen, our goal is to help customers achieve sustainability goals via diverse feedstocks and new technologies to produce hydrogen from renewable power (electrolysis), renewable natural gas derived from biomass (methane-sourced hydrogen), and natural gas coupled with carbon capture.

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Renewable credits

TC Energy purchased 150,000 tCO2e generated by Jenner 3 Wind Farm in Canada.

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Ways to reach us

Feel free to get in touch if you have questions or comments.

U.S. offices

700 Louisiana Street
Houston, Texas 77002


180 N. LaSalle Street
Suite 3030
Chicago, IL, 60601

Canada office

450 - 1st Street S.W.
Calgary, AB T2P 5H1

Trading Platform — Canada and U.S. Networks

700 Louisiana Street
Houston, Texas 77002

Media Relations
TC Energy welcomes enquiries from media. Please direct questions to:
1-800-608-7859 Toll-free (North America)
Investor Relations
We welcome inquiries from analysts, shareholders and prospective shareholders at: 
1-800-361-6522 Toll-free (North America)